Neighborhood Goods and Services

Below is a list of Services provided by the members of the Association, along with preferred method of contact (email or phone or both).  Please contact them directly to take advantage of the service they offer.  Services available can be either “fee based” or “free” at the descretion of the provider.  Email addresses and/or phone numbers can be found on the HOA Membership List in the main menu, or by selecting this “Link”.  To add a service to this list, contact the “Webmaster” at this “Link”.

Please Note:  Only services provided by members of the Association will be posted.   Commercial providers or people who are not members of the HOA will not be added.

Provider NameContact Method
(Email or Phone)
Service Description
Andrew Brignoliby email or phoneHelp with Apple or PC Computers, iPads, iPhones, Apple TV, setting up home networks, etc